Policeman Arrested for Shooting Magistrate.

Policeman Arrested for Shooting Magistrate.

Officer Turyanawe in charge Mukunyu police post was asked by Officer Jocus Kimanywenda in charge Rugombe police post to intercept car registration number UBG 770E that had knocked a pupil in a hit and run that had injured the pupil. The officer intercepted and shot at a magistrate’s car in suspicion of knocking the pupil

Officer Turyanawe in charge Mukunyu police post was asked by Officer Jocus Kimanywenda in charge Rugombe police post to intercept car registration number UBG 770E that had knocked a pupil in a hit and run that had injured the pupil.

The officer intercepted and shot at a magistrate’s car in suspicion of knocking the pupil in a case of mistaken identity. Mr. Waiswa -a grade one magistrate was shot at and arrested on his way to work in Kyenjojo District.

Turyanawe after finding out who his suspect was, released the magistrate.

“It is alleged that on November 18 at around 9am, the magistrate was driving a car registration number UAV 611W from Fort Portal, Kabarole District where he resides and was heading for work in Kyenjojo when his car was shot at by the officer (suspect) who was in civilian attire near Mukunyu police post. Out of panic, the magistrate jumped out of the moving car thinking he had been attacked by robbers. He got injured but managed to identify the officer. The car knocked one of the poles of a nearby building at Mukunyu trading center,” Mr. Twesige, the police spokesperson – Rwenzori West region.

The detained policeman says that he was only acting on the information given to him by his colleague. Mr. Kimanywenda agrees sending the command but agues that the officer intercepted the wrong vehicle.

The magistrate survived the bullets but was injured from jumping from the vehicle.

The police in Kyenjojo are holding their officer for attempted murder of Mr. Waiswa.

Courtesy Photo.

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