Once Upon A time – The ‘Spiritual’ Rebel Group.

Once Upon  A time – The ‘Spiritual’ Rebel Group.

Alice Lakwena is probably a name foreign to the children born in the 2000s unlike those of the 90s or earlier years. Lakwena was the leader of the Holy Spirit Movement, a rebel group that claimed to be fighting for ‘purity of Uganda’ which later grew to Africa. Lakwena from the Acholi ethnic group explained

Alice Lakwena is probably a name foreign to the children born in the 2000s unlike those of the 90s or earlier years. Lakwena was the leader of the Holy Spirit Movement, a rebel group that claimed to be fighting for ‘purity of Uganda’ which later grew to Africa.

Lakwena from the Acholi ethnic group explained that she was possessed by spirits including one called , ‘Lakwena’ that sent her to form the holy spirit movement in August 1986.

At the age of 27, Alice and her supporters were given weapons by former UNLA officers(Uganda National Liberation Army).

The rebel group waged a major but short-lived war(1986-1994). After fighting in Uganda, Lakwena and her soldiers(118 followers) crossed to Kenya and were arrested as illegal immigrants on 26th Dec, 1987.

The rebel leader lived in Exile in Kenya until her death in January 2007 and was buried in her home in Bunyatira sub county in Gulu District.

Holy spirit movement inspired the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) led by Joseph Kony, a Christian fundamentalist categorized by the United Nations as a terrorist because of his inhuman acts in the North and Eastern regions of Uganda.

These inhumane acts include but not limited to; rape, amputation of limbs, recruiting child soldiers , sex enslavement, murder, and cruel treatment of civilians.

Joseph Kony is currently one of the most wanted African militants.

Courtesy Photo.


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