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  • Oldest-known Christian church unearthed in Egypt

    Oldest-known Christian church unearthed in Egypt0

    An excavation of the ruins of an early Christian basilica has led to the discovery of what experts believe may be the oldest Christian church in Egypt. The team, led by Dr. Krzysztof Babraj from Kraków’s Museum of Archaeology, are hopeful that the new site may offer new insights into the spread of Christianity through

  • Security officials in western Uganda ban gospel crusade

    Security officials in western Uganda ban gospel crusade0

    Security officials in a town in western Uganda stopped an open-air gospel crusade after hundreds of Muslims marched to Bwera police station in protest of the 2-day event organised by Churches in the area. The success of the crusade in which many Muslims put their faith in Christ led not only to the ban, but

  • Occult objects burnt as witch doctors turn to God

    Occult objects burnt as witch doctors turn to God0

    The impact of witchcraft is immense in our society today, both in the cities and smaller villages. Even though technological advancements and globalisation have reached many areas across Uganda, it does not stop people from committing their lives to witchcraft. However, in the light of the transforming power of the Gospel, witch doctors are coming


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