She Crane’s Historic Victory In World Netball.

She Crane’s Historic Victory In World Netball.

The Uganda She Cranes has had its first ever victory over South Africa on Sunday securing a 49-47 win taking 5th place at netball world cup, recorded as their best ever placement in the tournament history. After 7th place finish in the 2019 tournament, facing formidable South African Team was a challenge the she cranes

The Uganda She Cranes has had its first ever victory over South Africa on Sunday securing a 49-47 win taking 5th place at netball world cup, recorded as their best ever placement in the tournament history.

After 7th place finish in the 2019 tournament, facing formidable South African Team was a challenge the she cranes were well aware of, even more challenging seeing South Africa had a bigger fan base cheering loud in the arena.

Coach Fred Mugerwa’s strategic decision to bring on Sarah Nakiyunga for Nassanga and push Irene Eyaru upfront alongside Nuba proved pivotal, injecting momentum into the Ugandan side. As the third quarter drew to a close, Uganda maintained a lead of 39-37. At this point, star player May Nuba had tallied up 23 goals, with captain Irene Eyaru contributing six goals, and Baagala securing 20 assists.

From start to finish, one can say that Uganda She Cranes applied intense pressure earning them12-11,23-23,39-37,49-47 giving them victory over South Africa.

Courtesy photo.

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