”Uganda Ne’byayo” is a Gugudde TV production hosted by Agnes Namale every Sunday 7:30pm. We take you slowly but surely round and about a country you could have called home for ever but never appreciated, a country that is truly , ‘The Pearl of Africa’. Our team will travel and capture every motion and moment

”Uganda Ne’byayo” is a Gugudde TV production hosted by Agnes Namale every Sunday 7:30pm. We take you slowly but surely round and about a country you could have called home for ever but never appreciated, a country that is truly , ‘The Pearl of Africa’.

Our team will travel and capture every motion and moment for you, the emotion that will fill your heart through your eyes to appreciation of a country that is your motherland.

If you are considering traveling, begin with Uganda as we introduce you to the fairest of all.

We love Uganda, You will if not yet!



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